FAQs about Dr. Corey and Lady Tish James

  • Where was Dr. James born and raised?  East Texas 
  • Is Dr. James married?  Dr. James has been married for 11 years to Tish James 
  • Does Dr. James have children?  Dr. James and Lady Tish have four children 
  • How long has Dr. James been a pastor?  Dr. James has been a pastor going on 12 years
  • What was the name of the church Dr. James previously pastored? Community Impact Church, Auburn Hills, MI
  • Does Dr. James have any siblings?  Dr. James has an older brother and an older sister
  • Does Dr. James have any work experience outside of pastoring?  Dr. James was a successful owner/operator of an Avis Budget Rent a Car for 12 years.  In addition, has worked as a social worker in residential treatment centers, schools and community based settings. Moreover, more recently he served as a Prevention Program Manager for a Substance Abuse Prevention nonprofit organization
  • Does Dr. James have any formal education?  Dr. James has a Doctorate of Religious Education from Destiny Christian University, Master of Social Work from University of Michigan, Bachelor of Social Work from Stephen F. Austin State University and an Associate of Arts from Tyler Junior College.
  • Why Liberty?  Dr. James is passionate about community engagement, winning souls and facilitating outreach within inner cities.  Liberty has a rich and long history of being impactful in the Hartford area.  He is certain he can continue the tremendous work and success the church experienced under the leadership of Dr. Keith and Delores Bolton.  
  • What does Dr. James do for fun?  Dr. James enjoys bicycling, going any place with a body of water and watching movies. 
  • What is Dr. James’ favorite scripture?  Daniel 6:3 “Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.” 
  • What is Dr. James’ favorite food?  Dr. James likes steak and potatoes as well as cheeseburgers
  • What is Dr. James’ preaching style?  Dr. James is a masterful teacher of the word. He makes the Word of God come alive with vivid illustrations infused with humor and relevant examples.
  • Is Lady Tish co-pastor?  No. Lady Tish will occasionally minister.  However, she is not co-pastor
  • Does Lady Tish have any formal education?  Lady Tish has a Bachelor of Business Administration and has started pursuing a post master degree.